Sunday 10 January 2016

Voidweaver and Month 2

So, I have completed month 2 of the Tale of Next Level Gamers challenge after only 10 days in.  I have successfully painted my voidweaver.  With this, I have now achieved 1 Troop, 1 Fast Attack, 1 Elite, and now 1 Heavy support for the army.  I am therefore only 2 Troops and a Fast attack off of having a legal army.

I have quite enjoyed painting the voidweaver, and it has followed the colour scheme as previously used for these forces.  I did make a rather huge mistake in that I painted the interior cockpit, and then glue the top and bottom hulls together rather permanently with superglue without putting it in.  That explains why the canopy is closed, and painted black, as the innards are not in there.

So the pictures....

As with the skyweavers, the masks have not been added to the models yet, and the squad markings are only roughed in.  I will be painting all of these in together when I have a clearer idea of what shape the final force is going to be and thus how I am going to squad things up.
I also haven't decided if the raised bobbles on the hull are going to be painted as red gems, or left as irregularities in the bodywork in the underlying colour.

As always, comments and suggestions welcome.

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